Plexus Compiler Component for javafxc (OpenJFX Compiler) / Updated 2009-01-17

Basic usage

You can build your JavaFX sources with Maven 2 using standard “maven-compiler-plugin”.

Put something similar in <build> section of POM file:


Add m2-javafxc repository to <pluginRepositories>:

          <name>Sourceforge M2-javafxc static repo</name>

Make sure you have $JFX_HOME environment variable set.

Add dependency to javafxrt.jar :


For compiling it is enough, but to compile with UI or/and to run (even simple CLI JavaFX application) you should have dependency to scenario.jar:


Currently there is no one public repository you could get javafxrt and scenario from, so there is 3 ways to get it in your local repo:

Advanced usage

“fork” mode

Yes, you may run javafxc as a sub process, just specify <fork> in config:


Specify JFX home manually

It is possible to specify location of javafx.jar directly in the POM (javafxc.jar will be looked up in the C:/jfx first):


Use javafxc.jar as artifact

It is possible to run exact version of javafxc.jar as artifact (if you have it installed somewhere in Maven2 or local repo):


and add javafxc.jar for plugin runtime dependencies:



Sometimes it is hard to understand where the real javafxc.jar comes from... Use -X and -e option to understand what jar file in use.

That is all

If you have any suggestions, ideas or want to contribute, mail list is: (archive Thank you!

Happy coding! :) Logo